Terms & conditions

Childcare Policy

Thank you for taking advantage of the volunteer childcare service. In our effort to provide your child with a fun and safe environment, we ask that all patrons abide by the following:
Childcare will be capped at 15 children and will require pre-registration. If you do not bring your child for a day you have pre-registered, it will be considered a “No Show” and you may lose access to the babysitting program after 3 “no shows”. Cancellations must be made at least 2 hours prior.
You must sign your child(ren) in and out each day.
You may only bring your own children to the childcare.
Parents should screen their children for COVID-19 symptoms before bringing them to childcare.
Those who are symptomatic cannot participate.
If a child has been in close contact (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19, they will be excluded from child care for at least 10 days from their last exposure.
Children with any of the following symptoms are not able to come to the childcare:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Runny nose
Sore throat

Once in the building, children need to wash or sanitize their hands.
Please take your child to the restroom before dropping them off.
Children should bring their own water bottle.
Toys and other high touch surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected regularly.
Toys that can not be washed and disinfected will be removed from the room.
The childcare service is for those attending a group fitness class.
Children must be 15 months or older to attend the childcare class.
Children should not be in the Aerobics room during class.
Children in a soiled diaper or those needing assistance using the restroom may be brought to you.
Please do not send your child with food or toys from home.
Please pick up your child immediately following the group fitness class.
Only the parent who dropped off the child may be the one to pick him/her up.
Group fitness equipment may not be used in the babysitting room.
Please notify the Childcare Supervisor at smithrecchildcare@gmail.com of any concerns you may have.
Thank you!!